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TECC Course - Angelton Texas 17th 18th Sep 2016

The wait

The wait

Nate our lead instructor briefs the students before the head over to their first scenario

Wound Packing Practice

Wound Packing Practice

More practice on the sticks

Class in session

Class in session

4 students from the Netherlands, 1 Doc from Puerto Rico, and one Texas Doc and other talented first responders made up this great class

Student Vests & IFAKs

Student Vests & IFAKs

We supply vests to all student with fully stocked IFAK kits. All have our patented ATAK TQ holder and some with our amazing Mega IFAK kit the MULTIFAK

Taylor is Happy

Taylor is Happy

Taylor our amazing drama coodinator sat in on this course to get her TECC qualifications.

Wound packing Practice

Wound packing Practice

Two TECC students practicing on the fake wound sticks

TECC Students Wound Packing Sticks

TECC Students Wound Packing Sticks

You need to crawl before you walk before you run. Starting wound packing on high density foam gets technique down.

European Packers

European Packers

Two of our Netherlands Paramedics packing the wound sticks

Wound packing Practice

Wound packing Practice

More wound packing practice

Wound Packing Sticks

Wound Packing Sticks

Packing wounds is a skill in its self. Correct wound packing ensures the combat gauze works the way it is designed.

Wound Packing Practice

Wound Packing Practice

Two per stick practicing wound packing

Bas at work

Bas at work

Wound packing bloodied meat

Find the bleed and pack!

Find the bleed and pack!

A nurse searches for a bleeder and packs in gauze tightly

Netherland Paramedics look on

Netherland Paramedics look on

While two TECC students practice wound packing on meat

Wound packing meat

Wound packing meat

Students get busy stopping the bleed

Instructor goes over Needle Decom

Instructor goes over Needle Decom

Students listen in as Kenny goes over the correct procedure for needle decmpression

Knee in the Groin

Knee in the Groin

Correct placement of a knee to tamper any arterial bleed maybe beneficial

TQ self application

TQ self application

Our Doc from Puerto Rico self applies a CAT

TQ Application

TQ Application

Placing the knee into the groin maybe beneficial to stemming the flow of arterial blood

Wound Packing Rump

Wound Packing Rump

Good wound packing skills save lives

Maintaining Packing Pressure

Maintaining Packing Pressure

Make sure when packing that the pressure remains intact to ensuring the best chance for hemostasis

Wound packing

Wound packing

Two students packing two wound on the same rump

Twin packing

Twin packing

Good packing skills here

3 min of direct pressure

3 min of direct pressure

Is required when you pack a wound with Combat Gauze

Nurses take packing seriously

Nurses take packing seriously

Fake blood aids in the visual affect

Needle Decom

Needle Decom

Practicing needle decompression is not just about pushing a needle through a chest its about feeling for the second intercostal space mid clavicular line to ensure you have the right position.

Needle Decompression

Needle Decompression

Kenny instructs a student on correct palpation of needle decompression site before inserting the 3.25in 14g needle

Chest Seal Application

Chest Seal Application

Our Netherland Paramedics discuss application of a SAM Chest seal

Chest Seal Removal

Chest Seal Removal

The SAM chest seal has amazing sticking qualities. As they say you pay for what you get.

Careful with teh Chest Seal

Careful with teh Chest Seal

Unsticking a Chest Seal can be a lot of fun..not

Melissa hard at work preparing lunch

Melissa hard at work preparing lunch

Lunch is supplied both days for all students. This allows us to catch up on time if needed by keeping everyone at the facility. Plus the food is great and always plentiful

Lunch being prepared

Lunch being prepared

Melissa laying out lunch

Our shooter on the move

Our shooter on the move

Our shooter is cleared to enter the scenario location with Blank Ammo and BFA attached AR 15. Making the initiation of every scenario something to be apart off

Shawn and Helper

Shawn and Helper

enter the scenario scene with our special fake blood mix

Game on!

Game on!

Victims scatter as our shooter sends off a volley of blank ammunition to initiate the scenario

Nate leads the students into the sce

Nate leads the students into the sce

Students in the Open

Students in the Open

Students are surprised by the aggressor

Which way to run?

Which way to run?

Students are surprised by the engagement and their first instinct is to seek cover as our shooter bursts of rounds

One to One Instruction

One to One Instruction

All scenarios except in rare occasions will always have one instructor to one student

Blood?? Who said lots of blood?

Blood?? Who said lots of blood?

Our propriety blood mix is as real as it gets and there is plenty of it.

Student being coached

Student being coached

on the field of carnage

Chest Seal Application

Chest Seal Application

Cleaning the entry site and applying good pressure to the seal give the seal the best chance of doing the job it was designed for.

Checking the Seal

Checking the Seal

Once sealed check the seal to ensure that its doing the task it was designed for

TECC students lsiten in

TECC students lsiten in

Nate goes over the finer points of the students performance during a scenario

Realistic Wounds

Realistic Wounds

Blood and more blood

Game on

Game on

Student gets busy performing the MARCH algorithm

Tighten that Windlass

Tighten that Windlass

Gloves slick with blood makes tightening the windlass difficult. Training under these conditions makes for a better practitioner

Tighten that Windlass

Tighten that Windlass

TECC student works hard tightening the windlass to create hemostasis

Victim in distress

Victim in distress

We bring together many stressors into every scenario. Its not just about the Blood and fake wounds its about a lot more. Want to know?? come train with us and you will find out.

EMT Victims

EMT Victims

EMTs make great victims as they know what the wounds are and the symptoms.

CAT TQ application

CAT TQ application

Student tries hard to turn the windlass

Nate watches Closely

Nate watches Closely

As the TECC student treats the wounded

CAT Deployment from ATAK

CAT Deployment from ATAK

Taylor whilst covered in blood snatches her CAT from our patented CAT Tourniquet holder without looking.

Bright Red Blood

Bright Red Blood

Our blood recipe is about as real as it gets. Taylor is covered in it whilst trying to deal with a femoral bleed

TQ on

TQ on

Time to maneuver

Femoral Blled stopped

Femoral Blled stopped

Correct application of a CAT is recommend under 30 seconds. That's sourcing the location, aquiring the CAT, Deploying the CAT and applying the CAT. All is possible in untrained hands with the CAT being secured in our ATAK

Scenarios are great

Scenarios are great

Kenny looks on as a student treats a victim

Instructro Student Debrief

Instructro Student Debrief

Nate walks back a student from completing the scenario providing expert guidance to the student reference their performance



Shawn is one of our experienced instructors.



Our awesome Drama Coordinator. She is resposible for the tempo of the scenario and ensuring the victims are ready for action



Is our awesome Moulage Tech. She is responsible for all our wounds and blood looking as great as it does.

Double Trouble

Double Trouble

The very best of friends make a great team



A newcomer to our team. She takes a great shot and helps where she can

Po Box 481 Zavalla Texas 75980

+1 888-275-1688

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