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  • Every course we offer must meet minimum numbers before the course will run as scheduled. This training is very expensive to run so no student money is allocated to any stores required for this course UNTIL minimum numbers have been met. This allows us to provide you with a "FULL REFUND" immediately if the course doesn't go as planned.

  • Minimum numbers are determined by total "PAID" Registrations.

  • Potential/interested students will always contact us and ask will this course run. If you are interested in taking the training. Compete for your registration process and pay the course fee. Now you will be a number counted towards the minimum number required to run the course.  Know that your money is secure and a "FULL REFUND" will be processed if the course is canceled by us.

  • International/ National - Interstate Travelers please hold out on purchasing any travel tickets i.e plane, bus, etc until you see via the website the course you paid for "will run as scheduled" or are notified by email that the course "will run as scheduled" Or feel free to contact us on 1-888-275-1688

UNPAID registrations will not secure your position on any course.


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